
The Strapi story continues!

After I did my research into Strapi CMS earlier this year , it inspired a wizard Javascript developer ( Boegie19 ) that was heavily involved in the Strapi development community to dig into issues I reported. They discovered that both Strapi and I missed an edge case that bypassed the filter protection to patch CVE-2023-22894 by abusing table aliases that were being inserted into queries.

The purpose of this blog is to bring awareness about Boegie19 's cool finding that they found in Strapi, plus do my usual ramblings as I do a deep technical dive into the issue.

So Strapi in again for another wild ride!

Table of Contents

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline

The following timeline was provided to me by Derrick Mehaffy at Strapi and was verified by Boegie19

Time Event
2023/05/02 5:46pm GMT Report of the vulnerability received by the Strapi Security Team
2023/05/05 8:15am GMT Vulnerability report was accepted by the Strapi Team
2023/05/05 11:27am GMT The Strapi Engineering Team communicated to the reporter our planned changes to get their feedback
2023/05/07 5:30pm GMT The reporter acknowledged and agreed with our planned changes
2023/06/07 8:12am GMT An experimental release was made with the changes communicated previously for testing
2023/06/07 3:42pm GMT GitHub issued CVE-2023-34235 per our request
2023/06/07 1:08pm GMT Patch was released in Strapi version v4.10.8
2023/06/07 3:00pm GMT Disclosure communication placed on hold due to internal requirements and other vulnerability work being performed
2023/07/10 7:25pm GMT Initial warning email was sent out to all Strapi Enterprise and Cloud Customers including Strapi partners with active enterprise contracts
2023/07/10 7:25pm GMT Mandatory waiting period of 2 weeks initiated
2023/07/25 1:01pm GMT Released the full disclosure of the vulnerability and published GitHub Advisories
2023/07/25 1:01pm GMT Disclosure email was sent out to all Strapi Enterprise and Cloud Customers, including Strapi partners with active enterprise contracts

CVE-2023-34235: Bypass of CVE-2023-22894 by Abusing SQL Table Aliases

CVE-2023-22894 Refresher

Before we jump into the juicy details about this vulnerability, we need todo a quick refresher about CVE-2023-22894 .

CVE-2023-22894 abused Strapi's Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that was exposed by Strapi's REST API to query on sensitive fields. It enabled an unauthenticated attacker to be able to filter by the password reset token of administrator users that create content on Strapi and highjack their account ! The attack was done by filtering by either the createdBy or updatedBy attribute that is a relational field to the corresponding administrator user entry. This enabled using either the $startsWith or $contains query operations to leak the full value of sensitive fields character by character.

For further details, check out my previous blog article or appreciate the pretty cool GIF chaining CVE-2023-22894 and CVE-2023-22621 together to achieve unauthenticated RCE .

It took Strapi over 2 months to update over 280+ files to patch this original vulnerability, that I verified fixed my initial issue .

However, I made a grave mistake and missed an edge case scenario that bypassed the protections that Strapi implemented.

What did I miss during my previous vulnerability disclosure?

When I was verifying Strapi's patch for CVE-2023-22894, I tested what happened if I queried by a non-existent attribute for the user field. The following screenshot shows that it appeared that the patch for CVE-2023-22894 ignored trying to query by the relational fields createdBy and updatedBy .

However, I missed testing what occurred by a non-existent attribute that was not a relational field . For an example, if I queried by some non-existent attribute for my test Article collection I got a 500 response.

Hmm, that is pretty whack. Let's take a look at the error message on my server console.

Hmmmmm , we can see in that error message that the following SQL query fails to execute since fakeattr was not a valid column for the table named articles .

select "t0".* from "articles" as "t0" where (("t0"."fakeattr" like $1) and "t0"."published_at" is not null) limit $2

However, what on earth is that "t0" table alias being whacked into query?

This was what I missed when I originally verified Strapi's patch. Boegie19 discovered that if a user had the find permission to a collection, then they can populate the other collection into the query and use the inserted table alias to bypass Strapi's column filter to access sensitive column .

Sounds a bit confusing, let's go through an example. Let's say that we have enabled public users to have the find permission for users of the user & permissions plugin. We can see from the resulting SQL query that we cannot directly filter user's by their password or reset_password_token (which was the original issue in my initial report), since now it is being stripped from the filter.

select "t0".* from "up_users" as "t0"

However, if we query by a column that does not exist in the up_users table we can see that it bypasses Strapi's filter gets inserted into the query.

select "t0".* from "up_users" as "t0" where ("t0"."fakecolumn" like $1)

Therefore, if we use the table alias t0 to access the password column we can access the password column (REST API URL path /api/users?filters[t0.password][$startsWith]=$2a$10$ ). This is confirmed by checking the resulting query.

select "t0".* from "up_users" as "t0" where ("t0"."password" like $1)

Woah that is pretty cool!

However, this scenario was only exploitable since we had the find permission for viewing users. Let's explore other scenarios where this bypass works!

populateCreatorFields Option being Enabled for Collections

So the key to this is bypass is that table with the sensitive columns needs to be included into the resulting SQL query. This only occurs had the find permission and data from the target table is populated in the result.

Boegie19 pointed out that there is a funny little option called populateCreatorFields that populated the createdBy and updatedBy fields in the query even if the user does not have the find permission for the admin_users table! This can be enabled by modifying the content-types/{collection-name}/schema.json to include this option, as I did below for my article collection.

  "kind": "collectionType",
  "collectionName": "articles",
  "info": {
    "singularName": "article",
    "pluralName": "articles",
    "displayName": "Article"
  "options": {
    "draftAndPublish": true,
    "populateCreatorFields": true
  "pluginOptions": {},
  "attributes": {
    "Title": {
      "type": "string"
    "Body": {
      "type": "richtext"

Now let's see if we can access the password column by using t0.password and the createdBy and updatedBy attributes again.

Hm okay we got a 500 response, let's check the resulting query.

select distinct "t0".* from "articles" as "t0" left join "admin_users" as "t1" on "t0"."created_by_id" = "t1"."id" where ("t0"."password" like $1 and "t0"."published_at" is not null) limit $2

As we can see, the admin_users table is assigned the table alias t1 instead of t0 so we just need to change our payload to t1.password instead.

Invalid attempt that should return an empty list since password hashes didn't start with $2a$10X

Response length is now 1 since password hashes do start with $2a$10$ !

That is pretty cool, let's explore other scenarios where this bypass occurs.

Custom Relational Fields to the Admin Users on the Admin API

This bypass did not work on relational fields when you are using Strapi's publicly accessible API ( /api/* ) except if the populateCreatorFields option had been enabled for the collection. This is because relational mappings to the Strapi administrators were being ignored since my user did not have the find permission for administrator users. For an example, I created another collection name WithUserRelation that had a relational mapping to admin users named admin_user and I could not cause Strapi to filter by the sensitive field.

Attempting to filter by the custom relational field /api/with-user-relations?filters[$and][0][admin_user][t2.reset_password_token][$startsWith]=907

Attempting to filter by using the updatedBy field /api/with-user-relations?filters[$and][0][updatedBy][t1.reset_password_token][$startsWith]=907

We can confirm that the filters I was attempting to inject were being ignored as shown by the generated queries when I set the DEBUG=knex:query environment variable while running Strapi.

However, if I used the Strapi admin API the relational mapping to the admin users was not being ignored for custom relational fields! This can be confirmed by first trying to query for a non-existent attribute for my custom relational field and seeing that the 500 response returns.

Checking the console logs, the following SQL query was executed and failed.

select distinct "t0"."id", "t0".*, "t0"."id", "t0"."created_by_id", "t0"."updated_by_id" from "with_user_relations" as "t0" left join "with_user_relations_admin_user_links" as "t1" on "t0"."id" = "t1"."with_user_relation_id" left join "admin_users" as "t2" on "t1"."user_id" = "t2"."id" where ((("t2"."noattr" like $1))) order by "t0"."id" ASC limit $2

Notice the left join "admin_users" as "t2" in the generated query? This means we can use the table alias t2 to access the sensitive columns in the admin_users table!

Entity Service API

Let's say you are a cool hip JavaScript developer and you wanted to use Strapi for its content management, but write your own code for the REST API (eg. use the POST method instead of GET ). You can use Strapi's Entity Service API and write your own custom API code (as I did below in the following controller code for /api/coolQuery ).

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  queryArticles: async (ctx, next) => {
    try {
      let articles = await strapi.entityService.findMany('api::article.article',{
        filters: ctx.request.body.filters
      ctx.body = articles;
    } catch (err) {
      ctx.body = {msg:"Yo something goofed!"};

You would think that using the entityService would prevent filtering by the createdBy and updatedBy attributes when the populateCreatorFields option has been disabled for the collection... Right ?

The entityService is not provided the context of the user's permissions, so it just allows querying by the relation anyway !

Returns a non-empty list since password hashes start with $2a$10$

Returns an empty list since password hashes do not start with $2a$10X

Jeez that ain't good

Scenarios Where the Bypass Occurred

To summarise, the scenarios where this bypass could occur are when:

  • The user can access the REST API for a collection with the private fields.
  • Using the REST API if the populateCreatorFields option has been manually set in a collection's schema.json file.
  • Using a Strapi administrator account that has the find permission on other collections.
  • Allowing unfiltered user inputs into the Entity Service API within custom API or plugin code.

This is an awesome finding by Boegie19 ! However, I could not help but ask why on earth are those table aliases being inserted into those SQL queries ?

Code Deep Dive

Time for the technical deep dive into figuring out what is going on here.

We begin by first looking at the source code for the findMany operation in the Entity Service API. For reference, I will be referring to Strapi v4.8.2 codebase in the following code snippets.

findMany in packages/core/strapi/lib/services/entity-service/index.js

  async findMany(uid, opts) {
    const { kind } = strapi.getModel(uid);

    const wrappedParams = await this.wrapParams(opts, { uid, action: 'findMany' });

    const query = transformParamsToQuery(uid, wrappedParams);

    if (kind === 'singleType') {
      return db.query(uid).findOne(query);

    return db.query(uid).findMany(query);

The findMany operation is a wrapper for directly accessing the db object that builds the query ( db.query(uid).findMany(query) ). Let's take a closer look at db.query(uid) .

query in packages/core/database/lib/index.js

  query(uid) {
    if (!this.metadata.has(uid)) {
      throw new Error(`Model ${uid} not found`);

    return this.entityManager.getRepository(uid);

It now calls getRepository that is created by createdEntityManager (yeah get ready for a lot of jumping around source code). Jumping to packages/core/database/lib/entity-manager/index.js we can see that createEntityManager is a function that returns an object containing database querying methods and getRepository(uid) targets these operations to a specific collection on the database. It's here that we can see that the findMany method is a wrapper around the method createQueryBuilder .

findMany in packages/core/database/lib/entity-manager/index.js

    async findMany(uid, params) {
      const states = await db.lifecycles.run('beforeFindMany', uid, { params });

      const result = await this.createQueryBuilder(uid).init(params).execute();

      await db.lifecycles.run('afterFindMany', uid, { params, result }, states);

      return result;

The interesting part in the above snippet is this.createQueryBuilder(uid).init(params).execute() that first creates a query builder, initialises the parameters then executes the query. Let's take a look at that createQueryBuilder method in packages/core/database/lib/query/query-builder.js . It is here we see where the sneaky table aliases are being defined in getAlias .

getAlias in packages/core/database/lib/query/query-builder.js

  const getAlias = () => {
    const alias = `t${state.aliasCounter}`;

    state.aliasCounter += 1;

    return alias;

Now we are getting to the heart of the problem!

In the same source code we can see that execute calls getKnexQuery which applies the table joins by calling applyJoin .

applyJoin in packages/core/database/lib/query/helpers/join.js

const applyJoin = (qb, join) => {
  const {
    method = 'leftJoin',
    rootTable = qb.alias,
  } = join;

  qb[method](`${referencedTable} as ${alias}`, (inner) => {
    inner.on(`${rootTable}.${rootColumn}`, `${alias}.${referencedColumn}`);

    if (on) {
      for (const key of Object.keys(on)) {
        inner.onVal(`${alias}.${key}`, on[key]);

  if (orderBy) {
    Object.keys(orderBy).forEach((column) => {
      const direction = orderBy[column];
      qb.orderBy(`${alias}.${column}`, direction);

There we are at the end of this source code chain to find where the joins were occurring. We can see that Strapi's own query builder on top of Knex.js inserts the table aliases and the fact that you could query by non-existing attributes made this bypass possible.

How did Strapi patch this vulnerability?

Jumping to Strapi v4.10.8 when this patch was released, we can run Strapi using a debugger and track when the invalid fields are being stripped from the filter. In the findMany method within the Entity Service API, we can see that our filter input is being stripped by transformParamsToQuery .

After transformParamsToQuery is called the result query no longer contains our filter.

The source code for transformParamsToQuery shows that if the filters parameter is non-empty, then it calls convertFiltersQueryParams(filters, schema) where schema is the schema of the model that is being queried.

transformParamsToQuery in packages/core/utils/lib/convert-query-params.js

const transformParamsToQuery = (uid, params) => {
  // NOTE: can be a CT, a Compo or nothing in the case of polymorphism (DZ & morph relations)
  const schema = strapi.getModel(uid);

  const query = {};

  const { _q, sort, filters, fields, populate, page, pageSize, start, limit } = params;

  if (!isNil(_q)) {
    query._q = _q;

  if (!isNil(sort)) {
    query.orderBy = convertSortQueryParams(sort);

  if (!isNil(filters)) {
    query.where = convertFiltersQueryParams(filters, schema);

  if (!isNil(fields)) {
    query.select = convertFieldsQueryParams(fields);

  if (!isNil(populate)) {
    query.populate = convertPopulateQueryParams(populate, schema);

  validatePaginationParams(page, pageSize, start, limit);

  if (!isNil(page)) {
    query.page = convertPageQueryParams(page);

  if (!isNil(pageSize)) {
    query.pageSize = convertPageSizeQueryParams(pageSize, page);

  if (!isNil(start)) {
    query.offset = convertStartQueryParams(start);

  if (!isNil(limit)) {
    query.limit = convertLimitQueryParams(limit);

  convertPublicationStateParams(schema, params, query);

  return query;

Looking at convertFiltersQueryParams function, we can see that the filter is sanitised by a method named convertAndSanitizeFilters .

convertFiltersQueryParams in packages/core/utils/lib/convert-query-params.js

const convertFiltersQueryParams = (filters, schema) => {
  // Filters need to be either an array or an object
  // Here we're only checking for 'object' type since typeof [] => object and typeof {} => object
  if (!isObject(filters)) {
    throw new Error('The filters parameter must be an object or an array');

  // Don't mutate the original object
  const filtersCopy = cloneDeep(filters);

  return convertAndSanitizeFilters(filtersCopy, schema);

The code for convertAndSanitizeFilters is shown below.

convertAndSanitizeFilters in packages/core/utils/lib/convert-query-params.js

const convertAndSanitizeFilters = (filters, schema) => {
  if (Array.isArray(filters)) {
    return (
        // Sanitize each filter
        .map((filter) => convertAndSanitizeFilters(filter, schema))
        // Filter out empty filters
        .filter((filter) => !isObject(filter) || !isEmpty(filter))

  // This must come after check for Array or else arrays are not filtered
  if (!isPlainObject(filters)) {
    return filters;

  const removeOperator = (operator) => delete filters[operator];

  // Here, `key` can either be an operator or an attribute name
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(filters)) {
    const attribute = get(key, schema?.attributes);
    const validKey = isOperator(key) || isValidSchemaAttribute(key, schema);

    if (!validKey) {
    // Handle attributes
    else if (attribute) {
      // Relations
      if (attribute.type === 'relation') {
        filters[key] = convertAndSanitizeFilters(value, strapi.getModel(attribute.target));

      // Components
      else if (attribute.type === 'component') {
        filters[key] = convertAndSanitizeFilters(value, strapi.getModel(attribute.component));

      // Media
      else if (attribute.type === 'media') {
        filters[key] = convertAndSanitizeFilters(value, strapi.getModel('plugin::upload.file'));

      // Dynamic Zones
      else if (attribute.type === 'dynamiczone') {

      // Password attributes
      else if (attribute.type === 'password') {
        // Always remove password attributes from filters object

      // Scalar attributes
      else {
        filters[key] = convertAndSanitizeFilters(value, schema);

    // Handle operators
    else if (['$null', '$notNull'].includes(key)) {
      filters[key] = parseType({ type: 'boolean', value: filters[key], forceCast: true });
    } else if (isObject(value)) {
      filters[key] = convertAndSanitizeFilters(value, schema);

    // Remove empty objects & arrays
    if (isPlainObject(filters[key]) && isEmpty(filters[key])) {

  return filters;

We can see that for each key in the filter, the following line of code is executed that checks if either the key is an operator or within the schema of the model.

const validKey = isOperator(key) || isValidSchemaAttribute(key, schema);

Looking at the source code for isValidSchemaAttribute , we can see that Strapi now checks if the key in the filter is actually an attribute of the model schema by executing Object.keys(schema.attributes).includes(key) .

isValidSchemaAttribute in packages/core/utils/lib/convert-query-params.js

const isValidSchemaAttribute = (key, schema) => {
  if (key === 'id') {
    return true;

  if (!schema) {
    return false;

  return Object.keys(schema.attributes).includes(key);

We can confirm that this isValidSchemaAttribute validation check by going back to Strapi v4.8.2 and seeing that there was no check if an attribute was in the schema for a model.

The validation check is missing in convertAndSanitizeFilters in Strapi v4.8.2

Potential Impact to Other Object Relational Mappers

When Boegie19 first told me about this bypass that they discovered, my spidey senses were tingling thinking about the potential impact to other Object Relational Mappers (ORMs).

This bypass method would work against other ORMs that performed a string comparison to validate that private fields aren't being queried if:

  1. The ORM allows querying by non-existing attributes for a model.
  2. The ORM inserts table aliases into the query.

However, I haven't had the time to fully explore this issue in other software. This is why I wanted to share this knowledge with the world that table alias can be a potential vector to bypass private attribute filters in ORMs.

Indicators of Compromise for CVE-2023-34235

To help with performing incident response, I have modified the previous regex pattern for searching for Indicators of Compromise to account for the t\d+ table prefix.



What an awesome bypass!

I am proud that my previous research into Strapi helped Boegie19 identify this bypass in Strapi's patch of CVE-2023-22894 . Security is an iterative process and I am a firm believer that we should share what we know to continually improve the security of systems.

However, what I am even more proud of is observing the shift in culture regarding security among Strapi developers and its community. Boegie19 was a huge success story in my eyes, who was a passionate JavaScript developer in the Strapi community that is now going through the CMS with a finer tooth comb than I did and reporting vulnerabilities to Strapi ( stay tuned for more wild stuff from Boegie19 in the future ). I also talked with Derrick Mehaffy at Strapi who mentioned that since my previous report they have now started biweekly security training sessions and are eager to dig into cool vulnerability reports.

I am glad to be a part of this journey with Strapi. Thank you for reading and learning about this cool bypass technique that Boegie19 discovered.